Evil AIs in Fiction — Infographic

Jes Parent
1 min readJul 10, 2017


I was walking along, minding my business
When out of the orange colored sky
Infograph ‘bout Evil AI.

That’s right, I just referenced a classic tune, and that’s pretty much how it happened, too. Almost. This will be good for my ongoing side-quest that looks at how technology is portrayed and interpreted in popular culture & fiction, as well:

Little did I know when I stumbled across a Let’s Play of I Have No Mouth But I Must Scream (another shout out, this time to Necroscope), years ago, it would be the bottom of a list like this. What’s your top “Evil AI”?

Originally posted on j-p.tech



Jes Parent

Embodied & Diverse Intelligences: Development, Learning & Evolution across Biological, Cognitive, and Artificial realms.